Programmatic Strategy in the Cookieless Era: Addressing the Gap

Despite numerous warnings, many companies still find themselves unprepared for the cookieless reality of 2024. With half of the internet already operating without cookies, advertisers are witnessing a decline in the effectiveness of their programmatic ad spending. However, this shift offers a substantial opportunity for advertisers to embrace innovative AI-driven solutions to enhance outcomes and create more engaging ad experiences.

Our latest guide, “Mind the Addressability Gap,” developed in collaboration with Quantcast, tackles the most urgent questions about developing cookie-free strategies for the open web. It provides a roadmap for improving addressability and measurement in this new landscape.

Key insights include:

  • Challenges of Cookieless Targeting: Analyzes the pros and cons of alternative solutions such as ID-based, contextual, and cohort strategies.
  • The Evolution of DSPs: Outlines the necessary features for delivering high performance at scale, with a particular focus on the importance of AI capabilities.
  • Revised Measurement Approaches: Discusses the growing importance of modeling to accurately evaluate and attribute performance in a cookieless world.

This guide offers a comprehensive strategy for advertisers to successfully navigate the transition to a cookieless web, ensuring the continued effectiveness and improvement of their programmatic advertising efforts.

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